Monday, February 24, 2014

Martha and Manolo at Salon Canning - February 14, 2014

Once upon a time we didn't know how to dance milonga.  Every time milonga music played in a milonga we sat down.   When we asked our local instructor to teach us how to dance milonga, he played milonga music during his practica and pushed us to dance "Faster!  Faster!"  Needless to say, it didn't work, dancing tango steps to milonga music made us trip over our feet.

Man Yung had to resort to stealing the milonga steps of local tangueros.  One such gentleman flew across the dance floor whenever he danced milonga, so Man Yung arduously copied his step....his ONE milonga box step.  Even though it was repetitive, at least it worked.  Poor us!

We don't admit defeat easily so we ordered some instructional videos from Amazon and Bridge to the Tango and waited impatiently for weeks for our DVDs and videos to arrive.  A Juan Carlos Copes DVD arrived - it was awful, we couldn't get anything from it.  Luckily, we received the Pepito Avellaneda video shortly afterwards - and it was really clear and easy to learn from.  We received the Manolo's video a few weeks later - and with the material from these two amazing milonga masters, we were set.

Of course, even though we were able to learn some steps from videos, we lacked refinement and we were missing lots of detail.  When Martha and Manolo came to Toronto in 2006, we took 50+ hours of classes from them while they were in town.  No way would we miss out on the opportunity to build a solid foundation for our dancing!   We have been taking their classes at Camicando, Escuela Argentina de Tango and La Salsera every year since then.  We no longer risk falling flat on our faces dancing Milonga (and Tango, and Canyengue).  We also have wonderful memories of our times together with Martha and Manolo in Toronto and Buenos Aires.  We are so blessed to have Martha and Manolo as our maestros and friends.

Here are some beautiful recent performances of Canyengue, Tango and Milonga from Martha and Manolo at Salon Canning - enjoy!

(Embedding has been disabled for the milonga video, but you can see it direct on YouTube via this link:)

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